Les volwassenen 1 april/Lecture for adults April 1st

Komende vrijdag 1 april geeft Roel een eerste les voor de volwassenen.
Deze eerste les zal een brede les zijn, over de do’s en don’ts van beter leren schaken. De volgende lessen (22 april en 13 mei, stip al maar aan in je agenda) zullen dieper ingaan op specifieke onderwerpen.
Iedereen is welkom, maar de doelgroep zijn in de eerste plaats de nieuwere leden.
This Friday, April 1st Roel will give a lecture for the adults.
This first lesson will have a broad scope, about the do’s and dont’s of chess improvement. The following lessons (April 22nd and May 13th, mark it in your calendar) will treat specific subjects more in-depth.
Everybody is welcome, but note that the target audience is foremost the newer members of our club.

2 gedachten over “Les volwassenen 1 april/Lecture for adults April 1st”

  1. Hello, I have new in Leuven and would like to be a member of Leuven Chess club. I have missed the first lecture on 1st April for adults and was wondering if its ok to just join directly on 22nd April?
    Are there any feel for joining the group, please let me know.

    1. Hi Suvidyakumar,

      Yes you are very welcome to join on 22nd of April ! The easiest way to complete your membership in the club is to send out an e-mail to chess@leuvencentraal.be

      See you soon!
      Best regards

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